A pre-click malvertisement can be implanted in the main scripts of the page. They can start drive-by-download on visiting the malvertising-loaded site. A drive-by-download is a download in which a user does not need to click on any link and start the download. When a user visits the webpage, the malware begins downloading automatically in the background.
For a post click malvertisement, it infects a computer when a user clicks on the ad to see the advertisement and the user is redirected to a malware-infected website.
There are two main types of malvertising attacks that one should be aware of. Both include the use of ads to host malware, but their methods of releasing the malware vary.
A drive-by download is a method where a harmful software is downloaded onto a person’s computer without them interacting with the page. By simply loading the webpage, they succumb to the attack. In the case of malvertising attack, if a fraudulent ad has infected the page, a user’s device will be infected as soon as they load it.
In 2020, Internet Explorer users were aimed at, in a COVID-19-related malvertising attack. In the midst of great stress and feeling of dread towards the pandemic, cybercriminals changed their malvertising campaigns to include a fake warning notification about COVID-19.
Knowing how malvertising attacks work and the warning signs to look for can help provide sufficient shield to your data and devices.
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