Privacy By Design Principles

Privacy is the ability to control who can access the individuals’ personal information about their private life and their activities. In many aspects, privacy becomes very important for our daily

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UAE’s Cyber Landscape

Why cybersecurity is an urgent necessity rather than a technical luxury? United Arab Emirates, is considered as one of the advanced countries for doing business within the Middle East and

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Top 10 Privacy Breach Penalties

Before we deep dive into the details of punitive actions that had been taken against renowned organizations due to their failure or negligence towards securing the personal information of their

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Global Privacy Regulations

The digital age started around 1980 with the Internet and the traditional industry witnessed a rapid shift to the present era which is entirely based on information technology. Slowly information

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5 Significant Data Breaches of 2022

Cybersecurity has been evolving as a substantial threat to business ecosystems worldwide. 2021 has witnessed some biggest and disastrous data breaches. With the Covid-pandemic and consequent lockdowns, the business worldwide

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Functions of OSI Layer

Functions of The OSI Layer: An Introduction Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO) which describe the flow of information from one computing device to

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Six best privacy practices

How best data privacy practices defines international data regulations? By 2023, 65% of the world’s population will have its personal data covered under modern privacy regulations, up from 10% in

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Cybersecurity Assessment

Cybersecurity is one of the complex landscapes in which every organisation deals in this fourth industrial revolution, which witnessed the dramatic increase in modern business activities not just in the

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Who is Data Controller?

Who is Data Controller? In an era dominated by digital interactions, understanding the pivotal role of a Data Controller is essential to ensuring the privacy and security of personal data.

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What is Phishing?

Firms across the globe have come up with action plans to tackle the increasing scenarios of various kinds of Cyber-crimes. Though every threat leads to damaging consequences, Phishing still tops

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8 Most Destructive Malwares

Malware is intrusive software that is designed to damage and destroy computers and computer systems. The word Malware comes from “malicious software.” In the 1980s the first malware was created

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A Critical Comparison

Over the years many standards and frameworks have been developed and adopted to address information security concerns. Information security which was once a niche domain and often an afterthought for

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Password Attack

Several kinds of cyberattacks are prevailing around the globe but some manage to dominate and cause utter damage to both the privacy and security of information. This seems to increase

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Malvertising Attacks

“Malvertising” comes from a combination of “malware” and “advertising”, and includes taking advantage of online advertisements to spread malware or divert users to malicious websites. It is a type of

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Difference Between IT and OT

Even with the same manufacturing organization Information Technology (IT) and Operation Technology (OT) can seem like in separate world. They do not always speak the same language. For IT, security

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