The Role of Privacy by Design in Safeguarding User Privacy

Privacy is the ability to control who can access the individuals’ personal information about their private life and their activities.
In many aspects, privacy becomes very important for our daily life. Privacy,
          • – offers us the freedom to uncover our personal information with our consent
          • – gives privileges to not share our personal information to the undesirable source and many more
It is better all the time to carefully use personal information and be proactive in your way to deal with getting it. Additionally, it is fundamental to know about advancing worldwide security guidelines – particularly considering the developing responsibility and risks related to legitimate disciplines.
As worries about privacy rise in the different elixir of the world, Privacy By Design (PbD) has been introduced and practised in the US and all over the world.

What is Privacy by Design?

Privacy by design (PbD) is an approach to ensure the protection of the personal information of individuals by considering the privacy requirement from the start of the development of products, services, business practices, and physical infrastructures.

The 7 Core Privacy by Design Principles

Some Important Steps To Implement PbD

  • Perform Data Privacy Impact Assessment (DPIA), which includes,
    – Identify information flows: what’s collected, why is it collected, and where does it go
    – Identify privacy risks: identify third parties that have access to user data
    – Identify and implement ways to reduce privacy risks
  • Don’t ask for more information than necessary from users.
  • Make personal data anonymous so it can’t be connected to a specific person.
  • Have a clear, accessible, and regularly updated privacy policy.
  • Provide opt-in options for users to set their data collection preferences.
  • Remind users to review their privacy settings.
  • Delete old data.
  • Follow the Security by Design approach by automating data security controls in IT systems.
  • Develop procedures to effectively detect, report, and investigate data breaches